History of Nagoya City (approximately from 1400 to 1600)

This article describes the medieval history of Nagoya City and its surrounding areas.

Nagoya in the Muromachi Period

During the Muromachi Period, which began in 1336, Nagoya was not yet the center of the region (Owari area).
In the early Muromachi Period, the Toki clan, the protector of the Mino Province, and other clans served as protectors.
Around 1400, Yoshishige (Yoshinori) Shiba was appointed governor of Owari, and Kiyosu Castle was built by Yoshishige in 1405¹.

The Shiba Clan, Guardian Daimyo

The Shiba were a Japanese clan, a warrior and noble family. They were a branch of the Muromachi Shogun Ashikaga, and were powerful guardian lords who alternated with the Hosokawa and Hatakeyama clans¹. The Shiba succeeded to the Echizen, Owari, and Omi domains, but in the Warring States period, the Echizen domain was taken by the Asakura clan and the Omi domain by the Imagawa clan, and although they were supported by the Oda clan in Owari, they perished at the end of the Warring States period after being driven out by Oda Nobunaga¹.

The Shiba clan began in the Kamakura period (1185-1333) when Ieji, the eldest son of Ashikaga Yasunori, took over Shiba-gun (now part of Morioka City and Shiwa-gun, Iwate Prefecture) in Mutsu Province and split off from the Soke clan¹. The descendants of this family were appointed as Owari guardians from generation to generation, and the family became known as the Ashikaga Owari family¹.

When Ashikaga Takauji, the head of the Ashikaga Owari family, joined the movement to overthrow the shogunate by Emperor Godaigo, Takanori Ashikaga, his younger brother Iekane, and others followed their lead (Motohiro Disturbance). After Takauji parted company with the Kemmu government and started a new samurai government (Muromachi Shogunate), the Takanori brothers were active as members of the ruling party of Takauji, defeating Nitta Yoshisada, a general of the Southern Court in Echizen, and were influential figures in the early days of the shogunate¹.

(1) Shiba clan – Wikipedia. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%96%AF%E6%B3%A2%E6%B0%8F.
(2) What is the Shiba clan? Meaning and usage – Kotobank. https://kotobank.jp/word/%E6%96%AF%E6%B3%A2%E6%B0%8F-74686.
(3) Yoshitada Shiba – Wikipedia. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%96%AF%E6%B3%A2%E7%BE%A9%E7%B5%B1.

Rise of the Oda clan

The Oda clan is said to have originally come from the priests of Tsurugi Shrine in Oda-sho, Echizen Province (present-day Echizen-cho, Niu-gun, Fukui Prefecture)¹. The first Oda family governor was Oda Tsunematsu (Oda Norihiro), son of Oda Masahiro, and it is thought that the Oda clan migrated from Echizen to Owari from this time¹.

Oda Nobuhide expanded his power in the southern part of Owari and became a feudal lord. In 1540, he took advantage of the weakening of the Matsudaira clan to seize Anjo Castle (Anjo City, Aichi Prefecture), an important Matsudaira stronghold in western Mikawa, and extended his power to just west of the Yahagi River, in front of Okazaki Castle, the Matsudaira clan stronghold³.

After Nobuhide’s death, Nobunaga took over the reins of the family and increased his influence over the border area between Owari and Mikawa. In 1544, Mizuno Nobumoto, a nationalist who held power in the border area centering on Kariya Castle (Kariya City) in Hekikai County in Mikawa Province, insulated himself from the Matsudaira clan and left the Imagawa clan to follow the Oda clan, despite being the brother of Oda, wife of Matsudaira Hirotada, the lord of Okazaki Castle. He followed the Oda clan³.

(1) Oda clan – Wikipedia. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%B9%94%E7%94%B0%E6%B0%8F.
(2) Battle of Azukizaka – Wikipedia. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B0%8F%E8%B1%86%E5%9D%82%E3%81%AE%E6%88%A6%E3%81%84.
(3) Nobunaga Oda – Wikipedia. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%B9%94%E7%94%B0%E4%BF%A1%E9%95%B7.
(4) Oda Nobunaga’s history up to his unification of Owari. Quotes …. https://www.oda-nobunaga.com/column/post-108.

Nagoya Castle(那古野城)

Nagoya Castle was a Japanese castle located in Nagoya, Aichi County, Owari Province (present-day Naka Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture) during the Warring States Period¹. It was built by Ujichika Imagawa, father of Yoshimoto Imagawa, as a base for his advance into Owari.

Later, Nobuhide, father of Nobunaga Oda, took it from the Imagawa clan, and Nobunaga is said to have been born in this castle (the current prevailing theory is that he was born in Syobata Castle)². Nobuhide gave Nagoya Castle to the young Nobunaga, who later united Owari and settled at Kiyosu Castle, so that Oda Nobumitsu, Nobunaga’s uncle, and his chief vassal Hayashi Hidesada were the masters of Nagoya Castle².

Although few remains exist today, a stone monument stands in the Ninomaru area of Nagoya Castle(名古屋城), where Nagoya Castle is said to have once stood¹.

(1) Nagoya Castle – Wikipedia. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%82%A3%E5%8F%A4%E9%87%8E%E5%9F%8E.
(2) Nagoya Castle (Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan), including highlights and access to the castle. …. https://kojodan.jp/castle/183/.
(3) History of Nagoya Castle | Guide to Nagoya Castle | Gakkoudan. https://kojodan.jp/castle/183/memo/4247.html.

Nagoya Castle(名古屋城)

Nagoya Castle(名古屋城) was built by Ieyasu Tokugawa in the area around the ruins of Nagoya Castle(那古野城), which was built by the Imagawa clan and is said to be the birthplace of Nobunaga Oda¹. From then until the Meiji Restoration, the castle was the residence of the 17th generation of the Owari Tokugawa family, the first of the three Tokugawa families¹.

